We have been encouraging our customers to give feedback about the situations and places where they enjoy very much to use Glens glasses. We will share this info definitely step by step on our website under the blog and on social media accounts. One of the favorite places, where Glens glasses are irreplaceable, is a hairdresser. It is the place where most people regularly go, men and women, and there you have a certain time to spend until you are ready. We share the great experience of other customers because it can definitely make happier so many other people everywhere in the world.
When the hairdresser is cutting, coloring, fixing, drying your hair, you have time to spend, so you can use it finally having time to enjoy the magazine or to read something from your phone. For these moments are the best Glens glasses, because they are armless, so the hairdresser can freely do her/ his job. Glens glasses have the advantage of being small and armless, so it will help you to avoid making dirty with color your main reading glasses with regular shape.
As an idea for hairdresser salons – we can create a package also with image and data of hairdresser salon, it would help the customers to have the contact data of this salon always with you, having the size of a bank card, in your wallet, even in the smallest bag, in Mobil case or just in the pocket ...
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For more details please contact us at info@glens.com