Five Signs You Need To Wear "reading glasses"
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5 Signs You Need To Wear Glasses

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is best to seek the advice of an ophthalmologist as soon as possible!

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is best to seek the advice of an ophthalmologist as soon as possible!

Do you know when you are in front of the computer and start to feel an uneasiness in the eyes? Or when you need to stretch your arm a little more so you can read that book at the end of the day? When you see someone down the street and can not identify who they are? Yeah, maybe you need to wear glasses!

To help you find out if something is wrong with your vision, we've listed 7 signs that may indicate that you need corrective glasses urgently. Check out!

1. Feeling a headache

That annoying little pain that has been with him for a long time is trying to send a warning: maybe you need glasses.

If there has been no change in your routine, there is no stress, food is normal and nights of sleep are enough to rest your body, but even so, that headache continues to disrupt, something is not right.

Of course, a headache can be caused by several reasons. However, be aware of your frequency and note where you focus. If the focus is on the forehead, chances are you'll need to wear glasses. 

2. Realize the tired sight

Over time, the human body - including the eyes - suffers a certain amount of wear and tear and we realize it in its 40s. Nowadays, this usually happens even before, due to our new routines, including with children. Have you started having trouble seeing closely, even when performing simple tasks such as putting a thread on a needle or just reading newspaper classifieds? Need to distance objects to improve vision? Possibly it has symptoms of presbyopia - popularly known as tired sight.

3. Staying close to objects to see them better

If you are approaching the TV to get a watch or need to bring the books closer to the face to read better, pay attention. These are also signs that commonly go unnoticed, but indicate that things are not 100% with your vision. This occurs with those who have myopia. Myopia is not a disease that can be cured, however, it is easily treated. After age 20, symptoms usually stabilize and, in addition to glasses, corrective surgery can be performed.

4. Frowning and distancing objects to see from afar

Unlike myopia, pushing objects aside or frowning to increase the visual setting when reading, writing, or working on a computer may also indicate a problem. You may be a strong candidate for a diagnosis of hyperopia, a disease very common in adults, where the images are focused behind the retina, causing difficulty in seeing closely. Glens reading glasses can help in these situations.

5. Demonstrate sensitivity to light

This symptom is very common. Light from the computer or ambient light may disturb vision. The eyes burn and the need to blink to find a better visual balance. Some smudges and minor lights may appear that only those who suffer from this problem can see. This is due to the tiredness of sight in relation to clarity. In these cases, the ophthalmologist may prescribe bluish lenses, which ease the discomfort that computer lights, tablets, TVs, and cell phones can cause.

If you have identified yourself with any of the signs mentioned here or, perhaps, with another bother with your eyes that may seem strange, do not waste any more time! You may need to wear glasses. Your eyes need simple but necessary care to keep them always healthy. Seek an ophthalmologist as soon as possible and improve your quality of life.
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